snack bar
«Rybnyi Ugol»
Plios corner is a unique semi-open pie with smoked bream fillet. Invented in 2017 by Alexey Shevtsov, this pie was sold in the amount of more than 500,000 pieces and became a real gastronomic attraction of Plios.

Lunches on the go in Plios

Diner «Rybnyi Ugol» occupies the eastern corner of the two hundred year old building of Flour Rows.
Here we sell authentic Plios corners - pies of a special patented shape invented by Alexey Shevtsov in 2017. On November 4, 2023, the five hundred thousandth corner was sold! The fillings range from classic smoked bream to delicacy with Kamchatka crab and from vyaziga (back strings of sterlet). We bake our corners daily in our own bakery and smoke fish in our own smokehouses.
What's besides the corners? Branded battered soups, homemade tinctures and nalewkas, cheerful apple sbiten, ginger-rhubarb tea, mulled wine.
The diner works in a standing room format (no seating). When you receive your order (which will be ready very quickly), go to the counter, which stretches in an angle along the walls, or take everything with you to eat and drink during the walk.


Finally our Plios corners, invented by Alexey Shevtsov in 2017 and sold since then in the amount of 350 thousand pieces (500000 pieces as of 4 November 2023!), have received reliable protection from pirate copying! Rospatent has granted us a patent for the corner design (design patent). Patent term - 25 years, during this time we should try to create a worldwide polygonal empire OOOGL. In the meantime hurry up for real patent corners in our legendary snack bar «Rybnyi Ugol» on the embankment of the Volga river in Plios. We start negotiations with serious bona fide partners about franchises. And to illegal fakes, false corners and pseudo corners - fight!

Our building is 200 years old

The «Rybnyi Ugol» Diner occupies the eastern corner of the former Plesky Flour Row building, built in the 1840s. It is the only part of the historic landmark building that escaped rebuilding during the Soviet years.


Opening hours:
Daily 10 am - 6 pm
Plios, Sovetskaya str., 41
#Fast food #Attraction

Our menu

The menu is based on products of own production. Plios angles with smoked bream; A glass of ukhi, gray soup or borscht; Ginger-rhyabin tea and segradradushnaya apple sbiten.


Потрясающее место
Место потрясающее, очень понравилось. Никогда бы не подумал что выпечка с лещом может быть такой вкусной, уха в стакане тоже интересно сделали. Всем кто будет в Плёсе - однозначно рекомендую 
Тимур К. 05.02.2024
Идеально для перекуса

Самое понятное и приятное заведение в Плесе)) Бистро с вкусными супами в стакане и углами (местными пирожками) с разными начинками, чай, наливки - идеальный вариант быстро и вкусно перекусить днем. 👌 Рядом от этих же ребят - лавка со свежей и вкусной копченой рыбой. Однозначно рекомендую.

Савва Н. 05.02.2024

See also

«Sophie Kuvshinnikova Coffeehouse»
Desserts Coffee Attraction Breakfast
The historical building, which once housed a teahouse of the sobriety society and a government wine shop, and now houses five halls of the Coffeehouse, has got a new life thanks to the project «Hidden Russia»
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«Traktir Krutoyar»
Dinner Lunch Special Occasions
Gastronomic restaurant in the ancient building with traditional Plios cuisine in a new reading. The atmosphere recreates the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary restaurant with gramophone music.
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«Плёсский угол №2»
Fast food Attraction
Новая закусочная — новые начинки! Ассортимент плёсских углов, пирожков особой патентованной формы, пополнился несколькими дерзкими новинками.
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Special Occasions
Exquisite gastronomic restaurant located in the historical building of Kuvshinnikova Coffee House. The magic number by which the restaurant is named is the year in which the great Russian landscape painter Isaac Levitan first came to Plios.
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Desserts Coffee
The little sister of the historic Kuvshinnikova's Coffee House, named in honor of kuleika, a local specialty, Pliosk cottage cheese cake.
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«Izba Coffeehouse»
Coffee Desserts Special Occasions
Izba Coffeehouse in Plios is a unique place where modern comfort meets the atmosphere of an old Russian hut. Here you can enjoy exquisite sorts of coffee, tea, and delicious pastries in a cosy atmosphere.
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Hidden Russia

Plios revitalisation project

In Plios we have defined and implemented a strategy of reanimation and development of an ancient small town. We preserve historical buildings, fill them with new life and create a high-level hospitality infrastructure. At the same time we are engaged in preserving and developing the intangible cultural heritage: local cuisine, traditions, knowledge.
Read more about the project

Hidden Russia

This old Russian town is associated with clean air, incredibly beautiful nature and rustic silence. It is no coincidence that Plios has long been a centre of attraction for creative and outstanding people.
More about Plios
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