Lunches on the go in Plios
Diner «Rybnyi Ugol» occupies the eastern corner of the two hundred year old building of Flour Rows.
Here we sell authentic Plios corners - pies of a special patented shape invented by Alexey Shevtsov in 2017. On November 4, 2023, the five hundred thousandth corner was sold! The fillings range from classic smoked bream to delicacy with Kamchatka crab and from vyaziga (back strings of sterlet). We bake our corners daily in our own bakery and smoke fish in our own smokehouses.
What's besides the corners? Branded battered soups, homemade tinctures and nalewkas, cheerful apple sbiten, ginger-rhubarb tea, mulled wine.
The diner works in a standing room format (no seating). When you receive your order (which will be ready very quickly), go to the counter, which stretches in an angle along the walls, or take everything with you to eat and drink during the walk.
Finally our Plios corners, invented by Alexey Shevtsov in 2017 and sold since then in the amount of 350 thousand pieces (500000 pieces as of 4 November 2023!), have received reliable protection from pirate copying! Rospatent has granted us a patent for the corner design (design patent). Patent term - 25 years, during this time we should try to create a worldwide polygonal empire OOOGL. In the meantime hurry up for real patent corners in our legendary snack bar «Rybnyi Ugol» on the embankment of the Volga river in Plios. We start negotiations with serious bona fide partners about franchises. And to illegal fakes, false corners and pseudo corners - fight!
Our building is 200 years old
The «Rybnyi Ugol» Diner occupies the eastern corner of the former Plesky Flour Row building, built in the 1840s. It is the only part of the historic landmark building that escaped rebuilding during the Soviet years.